Why do Muslim men grow beards? Is combing the beard important?

Byron, Scottsdale, Arizona


  1. Sumyia YusufMarch 19, 2010

    It is not necessary for men to grow beards in Islam. It is just Sunna or a symbol for being more religious- like when a christian women wear a cross-, but he should covers his private area which is from the navel to the knee (for men). So, wearing robes and growing beards is not necessary or obligatory in Islam.

  2. Because our Prophet (peace be upon him or PBUH) ordered us to leave it, so the majority of scholars say it should be left.
    Also our Prophet ordered us to clean it and comp it because cleaning is the faith.
    Abdullah, Cairo

  3. Islam means to obey Allah and his prophet (peace be upon him) in every thing. And our prophet (peace be upon him) told us to leave it. Also he ordered us to cut our Mustache and Pluck our Armpit hair.
    Ageeb, Cairo

  4. It is obligatory (wajib) in Islam to grow a beard, and it is allowed to shave it off only when it is necessary (e.g., facial surgery, persecution, etc.). Not growing a beard is considered a sin but it is not considered kufr (disbelief in Allah). Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) ordered the Muslim men to shave their mustache and leave the rest of the beard grow. It is also a Sunnah for a Muslim man to trim his beard, i.e., remove the excess hair that may be sticking out or looking odd .
    (Mona Muhmood) assistant teacher in Mass communication faculty , Public Relations department( Cairo)

  5. I agree with my colleagues and thanks them to their clarification .

  6. Neither growing beard is mandatory in Islam nor shaving is haram or makrooh.

    Prophet Mohammad SAW Migrated by the command of Allah so he can succeed in his mission working from Madina and also save his companions from the persecution of Meccan Atheists. In Madina there lived three tribes of Jews also who used to grow mustach and shaved beards. So Prophet said to Muslims to shave their mustaches and grow beard so Jews would know that you are Muslims.

    Most less educated Muslim grow beard to look like Prophet SAW though they seldom do the good things Prophet used to do. His greatest Sunnah (what he did) was feeding and giving charity to needy, orphans, widows and travellers because those days there were either very rich or very poor and starving people. Prophet distributed all the wealth his wife Khadijah had to poor people with her permission after and before He was given the Prophethood. Some times in Madina he would distributed all to poor people what he used to receive from other Muslims as gift. May times he would even leave nothing for his wives. When he had nothing more to help the Asker, he sent the needy person to the Jewish shop keeper to get food from there and he paid to shopkeeper when he received more gifts later.

    Most Non-Arab Muslims today expect to earn Jannah (heaven) just by doing extra rituals and making themselves look like Prophet SAW so people think he is a pious man. But very few of them give charity to meet the need of any poor persons. When it comes to giving, their hands seldom reach into their pockets even though they are well to do and many cases extremely rich by exploiting people. Business men are like that. They make 100 to 200% profit on their sale. They buy and sell by cash only, keep no records of their business and never pay taxes. They seldome help any poor nor give charity. . There are very few amongst them who have hearts of real Mulims. These are the reasons Muslims are getting beaten every where. People of following countries are like this: Pakistan, Iran, India,Bangladesh,
    Jordan, Yemen, Egypt, Indonesia etc. etc. Only good hearted Muslims I saw are the Saudis when I worked in Riyadh for two years,
    When they see a poor widow sitting in front of a Masjid, they would empty their pockets without looking at the bills how much they are giving. Many times I saw they dropped handfull of one hundred Riyal bills without counting and leave quickly. Most of the people of other nationalities would drop one five or ten riyal max but majority of the Muslims of above nationalities pass by giving nothing.

    If a Muslim with no beard has good heart for needy, he is much better Muslim in the eyes of Allah than the these hypocrites who grow beards and try to immitate how Prophet dressed, how he ate and how he walked etc. etc. They think they all will get Jannah on the Day of Judgment.
    Today we don't have competition of Jews. Today Muslims grow beard because Prophet did. I don't mean to say that it is wrong. But if some one doesn't wear beard but prays five times a day and care to help poor people, he is much better Muslim than those with long beards but do not have heart lime Prophet SAW.

    What I like about Americans is that they are ignorant about God, they worship a Jesus a representative of God instead of real God who creator Jesus and this entire world including heavens and skies and every thing in them. That is one who deserves our praise and worship.

    I hope my answer gives you some knowledge about the real spiritv of Islam.
